There's No Miracle Answer
I often find myself asking the Lord to refocus my attention on the bottom line principles that make a youth ministry one that makes heaven celebrate. Interestingly enough, I found that in an article about the famed UCLA Bruins and their historic coach, John Wooden, its implications in youth ministry significance are quite profound. So, allow me to share some of my thoughts with you. Youth ministry basketball, anyone?
The UCLA Bruins basketball dynasty of the 1960's and early 1970's is still referenced by sports lovers today. Most basketball fans know that the Bruins won ten NCAA Championships in only twelve years. Equally impressive, at one point in their history the Bruins under Wooden's leadership assembled a 61 game winning streak!
But a vital part of Bruin history, that we as youth leaders need to know, is NOT often shared in the sports magazines. Do you know how many years Coach Wooden coached the BRUINS before his FIRST NCAA Championship? Fifteen! From 1948 until 1963, Coach Wooden worked with his teams in relative obscurity before winning his first championship in 1964. Year after year, Wooden built the underlying foundations for good basketball, developed a recruiting system, improved his own skills, and implemented a consistent philosophy refining his full-court press style of play. No one paid too much attention to the quiet, soft-spoken coach and his team until ... WHAM!! ... they seemingly hit a breakthrough point and began to systematically crush every serious competitor for more than a decade.
What's this have to do with youth ministry, you ask? Everything ...
You see, human nature wants to look for "the miracle answer" ... "the miracle moment." But in truth, true youth ministry success does not come from that kind of short-lived "magic moment." Granted, there are simple principles that are key in all youth ministries, but much like John Wooden, most people who want to create powerful youth ministries will need to spend lots of "seasons" in relative obscurity. Anyone can coach a youth ministry when everything is exploding positively. But the Lord looks for people who have enough character to spend the hypothetical "15 seasons" of faithfulness prior to major spiritual and numerical breakthrough.
Maybe that's why the Lord continues to stress that He's looking for those who can be termed, "enduring" and "faithful." The basics in both youth ministry and in basketball are pretty simple and pretty non-glamorous. Those basics in youth ministry include consistent prayer, consistent quality in weekly youth services, a systematic approach to discipleship, and a few more of those seemingly mundane consistent disciplines. Michael Jordan once said, "All true basketball greatness rises and falls on greatness in the fundamentals." After a little over four decades in youth ministry, I need to tell you that the same could be said from this end.
People want great youth ministries... and they want them FAST! But I challenge you to find an overnight youth ministry success story that has sustained. It just doesn't happen that way. Every vibrant youth ministry is characterized by the non-exciting repetition of the fundamentals. Scripture exhorts us over and over to be people who not only START in the race... but more importantly, people of commitment who FINISH. Youth ministry leadership has a lot of great starters these days... but not a lot of great finishers.
I often find myself asking the Lord to refocus my attention on the bottom line principles that make a youth ministry one that makes heaven celebrate. Interestingly enough, I found that in an article about the famed UCLA Bruins and their historic coach, John Wooden, its implications in youth ministry significance are quite profound. So, allow me to share some of my thoughts with you. Youth ministry basketball, anyone?
The UCLA Bruins basketball dynasty of the 1960's and early 1970's is still referenced by sports lovers today. Most basketball fans know that the Bruins won ten NCAA Championships in only twelve years. Equally impressive, at one point in their history the Bruins under Wooden's leadership assembled a 61 game winning streak!
But a vital part of Bruin history, that we as youth leaders need to know, is NOT often shared in the sports magazines. Do you know how many years Coach Wooden coached the BRUINS before his FIRST NCAA Championship? Fifteen! From 1948 until 1963, Coach Wooden worked with his teams in relative obscurity before winning his first championship in 1964. Year after year, Wooden built the underlying foundations for good basketball, developed a recruiting system, improved his own skills, and implemented a consistent philosophy refining his full-court press style of play. No one paid too much attention to the quiet, soft-spoken coach and his team until ... WHAM!! ... they seemingly hit a breakthrough point and began to systematically crush every serious competitor for more than a decade.
What's this have to do with youth ministry, you ask? Everything ...
You see, human nature wants to look for "the miracle answer" ... "the miracle moment." But in truth, true youth ministry success does not come from that kind of short-lived "magic moment." Granted, there are simple principles that are key in all youth ministries, but much like John Wooden, most people who want to create powerful youth ministries will need to spend lots of "seasons" in relative obscurity. Anyone can coach a youth ministry when everything is exploding positively. But the Lord looks for people who have enough character to spend the hypothetical "15 seasons" of faithfulness prior to major spiritual and numerical breakthrough.
Maybe that's why the Lord continues to stress that He's looking for those who can be termed, "enduring" and "faithful." The basics in both youth ministry and in basketball are pretty simple and pretty non-glamorous. Those basics in youth ministry include consistent prayer, consistent quality in weekly youth services, a systematic approach to discipleship, and a few more of those seemingly mundane consistent disciplines. Michael Jordan once said, "All true basketball greatness rises and falls on greatness in the fundamentals." After a little over four decades in youth ministry, I need to tell you that the same could be said from this end.
People want great youth ministries... and they want them FAST! But I challenge you to find an overnight youth ministry success story that has sustained. It just doesn't happen that way. Every vibrant youth ministry is characterized by the non-exciting repetition of the fundamentals. Scripture exhorts us over and over to be people who not only START in the race... but more importantly, people of commitment who FINISH. Youth ministry leadership has a lot of great starters these days... but not a lot of great finishers.
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Excitedly "WILLING" to serve you,
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Honored to have you in my life,
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