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The Coach
The Cadre
Platinum Coaching
Prevail Women
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Creating a great ministry leadership team
By the willful laying down of our rights we come to understand what ultimate power and authority truly looks like
Discover the joy in the journey
Fail At This One Thing And You Fail
Changing Lives 101
The Big 4
It's not what happens to us, but what happens in us that really matters
4 helpful escape hatches for making spiritual mileage last
We decide our habits and our habits determine our future
Fighting for a God-sized dream
A challenge to not just be Dreamers, but to put action behind your aspirations
People will forget your messages, but they will remember key stories
Having an adventurous, breath-taking and evangelistic faith
Causes of depression and ideas on how to deal with it
Your past does not define you...sharing the Father-heart of God for all of us
Hope for people who battle with the crippling disease of depression
Learning to take short, frequent
break away times
will make a huge difference in your spiritual health and emotional resiliency
Sometimes it's easy to
play both sides
Encouragement to transform prayer lives
What to do while you're waiting
We far too often shorten the power of prayer
7 points to help those struggling with same-sex attraction
People will work hard for something they believe in
Some comparisons of being a leader and a friend
4 keys to friendship success
Lessons learned from the Holocaust
A look at doubts people often have about their faith
9 Keys to long-haul ministry
The top 10 lessons from the life of this epic hero
Lessons on how to transition well
Navigating the concept of covenant friendship
What it means to have healthy romantic relationships
Becoming masters of our own attitudes
A close look at the progression of sin
Learning to trust in the character of God more than just what He does for us
Key things we all need to know about Romance
Dealing with unchecked patterns of sin
How to identify your "enemies" and allow God to use them to add value to your character
4 areas that for all of us can become spiritual scandals
Simple steps churches can take to reverse the current stagnating spiral
Relationships, God's love, & doing something impossible with our lives
How to chase after the heart of God
common landmines, the devil uses to dilute and shorten your destiny
Pragmatic steps for walking in sexual purity
Small changes to make a big impact
Things often seem much worse in my mind than in everyone else's
Finding your own "spiritual pathway"
A reminder not to leave scars for the sake of a laugh
Humor is one of the most powerful "gods" of the 21st Century
These questions parallel God's Word
Finding purpose in life
It's easy to become disillusioned when ministry doesn't work out the way we envisioned it
The power of Scripture when dealing with temptation, guilt, a lack of faith, and tough times
Biblically, we handle temptation and evil differently
The threshold of your destiny could rest on one isolated choice
Fight for people
A fresh reminder of the Father's pursuing love for us
Living a whatever it takes life of heroism and selflessness
Having lasting, eternal impact
Dating is just dress rehearsal for marriage
The ABC's of Overcoming Guilt
What are you really after?
Encourage students to keep fighting the battles of life
A cause worth fighting for
Character...choosing to do the right thing in those non-glamorous moments
Deal with "IN Security" by flipping the words around and finding "Security IN" Jesus
Living victoriously when the "tough times" come into your life
Negative "soul ties" that blur our spiritual vision can destroy us
Dating is dress rehearsal for marriage
Secrets for coaching a winning team
A cause worth fighting for
Leading through a crisis
Dealing with Loneliness and rejection
When fatigue walks in, faith walks out
Be a NONSTOP person with GRIT
Overcoming the Father Wound
Dating is dress rehearsal for marriage.
The impact of letting the wrong people get too close
Fun is an ATTITUDE...not an ACTIVITY
What it means to have healthy romantic relationships
We far too often shorten the power of prayer
We have much more in common
Get beyond people's masks through real, authentic community in small groups
Having lasting, eternal impact
Creating Legacy...What you will be remembered by?
Real superhero principles from them from the Word of God
Living a whatever it takes life of heroism and selflessness
God has a plan and purpose for your life
Recognizing the traps the Enemy delights to lay for us
All of us unconsciously attach feelings that we have of our own earthly father to our concept of our Heavenly Father
The importance of preserving through life's trials
Sometimes it's easy to "play both sides" Spiritually
What's my over-arching DNA, focus, mission, and purpose in life?
Mind games when it comes to the topic of grace
Encourage students to keep fighting the battles of life
Dealing with rejection
Making the Word of God come alive
Negative "soul ties" that blur our spiritual vision can destroy us
By the willful laying down of our rights we come to understand what ultimate power and authority truly looks like
3 things to do to center our identity around Christ
Living victoriously when the "tough times" come into your life
3 things to remember if we want to be consumed for Kingdom purposes
Bring to life the concept of giving your life away for others
Putting priority on human relationships, not just online ones
A challenge for students to push past insecurities and be bold in their commitment to the Lord
Finding some authentic heroes
This message is a simple reminder that worship is just love expressed
Intercessors who are willing to "Stand In The Gap"
Living a life of purpose and passion
Becoming addicted to creating a Christ-honoring difference
Making Christ-honoring choices for a lifetime of success and happiness
Making Jesus the epicenter of your "someone need"
7 Pragmatics to launch and develop a friendship culture (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Advice for dealing with and addressing all kinds of addictions (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Fighting through the ministry mind games (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Vision casting night for what your ministry can look like over the next year
The top 5 qualities of youth ministry volunteers (VIDEO RESOURCE)
A challenge to students not to just be Dreamers, but to put action behind their aspirations
Understanding God's teaching on sexuality (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Creating influence from all leadership positions (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Balancing the multiple worlds of ministry, work, and family (VIDEO RESOURCE)
What are you hungry for? Acceptance... Purpose... To Win...
Learning to encourage others (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Dating is just dress rehearsal for marriage
Navigating through causes and solutions for the times when God feels distant
4 common myths Christians have bought into throughout the centuries
7 common "landmines," the devil uses to dilute and shorten your destiny
What it looks like to take care of each other well
Shedding of a negative self-image and understanding true freedom comes not from self-acceptance, but God-acceptance
Live wholeheartedly for Christ
A look at what hinders people from responding to the Lord's intervention on their behalf
Learning to let go of the junk like unhealthy friendships, attitudes, fears, hurts, insecurities...
"Doable" specifics on how to live out faith
Developing the habit of having a consistent daily time with Jesus
Friendship choices
A look at "redeeming our time" and God's pattern for "matchmaking" with Adam and Eve
4 biblical principles that will help us gain wholeness and victory despite life's hurts
Exposing the Enemy's strategies and tactics that existed in the Garden and are still in play today
Discovering spiritual truth: Am I becoming more and more like Jesus?
Our daily decisions can derail, detour or drive us toward our destiny
A look at doubts people often have about their faith
God's positive and life-changing process of purification in our lives
Simple steps churches can take to reverse the current stagnating spiral (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Learning to manage your energy (VIDEO RESOURCE)
5 pragmatics develop a phenomenal volunteer leadership team (VIDEO RESOURCE)
10 pragmatic guidelines to launch or re-launch a thriving small group system (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Keeping your 5 ministry tanks full (VIDEO RESOURCE)
3 categories of friends all ministry leaders have and what you can expect from them (VIDEO RESOURCE)
If you can't get across the finish line with strength, you're not a champion (VIDEO RESOURCE)
It's easy to become disillusioned when youth ministry doesn't work out the way we envisioned it (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Balancing family and ministry (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Defining purpose from our pain (VIDEO RESOURCE)
10 practical ideas to add new life to messages (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Nobody can ever control your head but YOU (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Starting with the "story behind the story" (VIDEO RESOURCE)
We can easily shipwreck our lives when we neglect our souls (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Unresolved conflict is one of the top things to take people out of ministry (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Determining the warning signs and implementing preventative measures (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Recruiting strategies to solve ministry's #1 reoccurring challenge (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Fail the friendliness test in youth ministry and you fail (VIDEO RESOURCE)
Relationships with our senior pastors can make us or break us (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC General Session with Heath Adamson (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC General Session with Jeanne Mayo (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC General Session with Jeanne Mayo (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC General Session with Jeanne Mayo (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC General Session with Christine Caine (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC General Session with Mark Batterson (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC General Session with Craig Groeschel (VIDEO RESOURCE)
NYLC Super Session with Reggie Dabbs