Heroes Legacy Edition
Why was the TV series Heroes such a smash hit? Everyone wants to be one...a hero that is. Don't you? In this Message, we speak to that desire. Through skits, stories and the Bible, we laugh, cry and reveal what it takes to be God's kind of hero, not a seasonal hit, but an eternal one.
The public and private life of Esther gives us great insight on both the responsibility and risk that come with being God's kind of hero. As you know, while we all want to be a hero in front of the lights, flash and camera, most true heroic moments come when few, if any, are present. Esther was no exception. Her struggles and ultimate victory gives us hope that we too can come out on top.
Just in case no one has shown up in your life to express appreciation lately, allow me to thank you for paying all the costly prices to be a hero in the lives of our students. May you continue to have the vision, endurance and desire to love our kids authentically and run the race well.
Enjoying the journey with you,
This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, A CALL FOR SOME NEW HEROES