When Your Service Just Bombed Legacy Edition

So you've spent hours and hours planning for your big was going to be changing...and it bombs! Big time! Your worship leader gets diagnosed with strep throat and cancels two hours before your event...the major actor in your drama forgets his find out after it's too late that there's a major concert at the school and half the youth group doesn't show up...and those who come "yawn" their way through most of the night. In short, it sure wasn't the night to build your self-confidence.

Don't you just hate it when that happens? I've had a million bombs myself. And I have repeatedly realized that things often seem MUCH WORSE in my mind than in everyone else's. In this coaching time, I talk through simple pragmatics you can do when you have "one of THOSE nights." This is one that you will want to take some notes on, so grab a cup of coffee and tune in!


This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio

This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, DUNGEON OF DEPRESSION