//// LEGACY 

18 minefields that make you more susceptible to moral failure
The power of Scripture when dealing with temptation, guilt, a lack of faith, and tough times
How to walk through transition effectively
The threshold of your destiny could rest on one isolated choice
10 questions to ask seriously dating single adults before they "pop the big question."
A biblical and realistic look at true love
Combating seasons of discouragement
Taking control of your thoughts
Is Jesus really #1 in your life?
When your Spiritual World & Your Everyday World don't match

What it means to have healthy romantic relationships
Dating is just dress rehearsal for marriage
A biblical and realistic look at true love
What the Bible says about sex outside of marriage
What it means to have healthy romantic relationships
Challenging students to walk with commitment not compromise
Dealing with unchecked patterns of sin
Dealing with sexuality in a way that leaves people with a sense of hope
Sometimes it's easy to "play both sides" Spiritually
A biblical and realistic look at true love
What the Bible says about sex outside of marriage
Making Jesus the epicenter of your "someone need"
Dating is just dress rehearsal for marriage
The search for intimacy
18 amazing pieces of advice to help us in our pursuit of victory over porn
Our emptiness is not so much a case of a missing person, but a missing purpose

Your past does not define you...sharing the Father-heart of God for all of us
4 keys to friendship success
The dangers of keeping too close to the wrong friends
Singleness is to be aspired...not shunned
Dealing with unchecked patterns of sin
Call students to a standard that is a more reasonably paced approach to romance
The power of what we allow to linger in our imagination, especially in sexual areas
The search for intimacy
Dating is dress rehearsal for marriage.
The impact of letting the wrong people get too close
What guys and girls wished the other sex knew
Negative "soul ties" that blur our spiritual vision can destroy us
Relationship pain and having the guts to make things right between you and another person
5 practical ways to learn to forgive
Putting priority on human relationships, not just online ones
Finding some authentic heroes

     //// CULTURE 
Dealing with sexuality in a way that leaves people with a sense of hope
18 amazing pieces of advice to help us in our pursuit of victory over porn
A focus on some of Christ's
Calling students to a deeper level of commitment
A set of "filter questions" to develop clear convictions in the crucial gray zone
Things To Know Before You Graduate
3 things to do to center our identity around Christ
Shedding of a negative self-image and understanding true freedom comes not from self-acceptance, but God-acceptance
A look at what hinders people from responding to the Lord's intervention on their behalf
A reminder not to leave scars for the sake of a laugh
Exposing the Enemy's strategies and tactics that existed in the Garden and are still in play today
A set of "filter questions" to develop clear convictions in the crucial gray zone
Full-length drama: A young man reaches his boiling point through negative turns in his life
Making our Christianity alive and fun
A focus on some of Christ's "attitude" standards

     //// RETREATS 
Hanging on to spiritual mileage
Keeping social media from distorting our view
Having passion and perseverance
Craving Jesus for lasting satisfaction
Living life focused on the END GAME
The power of our thoughts
Who is influencing me?
Unlocking God's personal standards for us
Letting God take control of your circumstances
Answering some of life's most difficult questions
Who is really in charge?
Lining up propaganda with the truth of God's Word

4 helpful escape hatches for making spiritual mileage last
Sometimes it's easy to play both sides Spiritually
Encouragement to transform prayer lives
6 points to jump-start your relationship with Christ
Sharpening your spiritual relationship with Christ
What it takes to be God's kind of hero
Calling the "HERO" out in some of your students
Learning to trust in the character of God more than just what He does for us
Relationships, God's love, & doing something impossible with our lives
A dream that is truly fought for and made into a reality is rare
How to chase after the heart of God
4 steps on how to move our relationship with the Lord from "Fan" to "Best Friend"
Finding hope in the moments of weakness
The cost of choosing to coast rather than chasing after the things of God
Inspiring the personal choice to passionately come after God no matter what our feeling level
A cause worth fighting for

     //// LEGACY 
4 helpful escape hatches for making spiritual mileage last
Observations from crash sites
Fighting for a God-sized dream
A challenge to not just be Dreamers, but to put action behind your aspirations
Ministry is who you are, not what you do
Having an adventurous, breath-taking and evangelistic faith
Your past does not define you...sharing the Father-heart of God for all of us
Hope for people who battle with the crippling disease of depression
Sometimes it's easy to play both sides Spiritually
Encouragement to transform prayer lives
To be a conqueror, we must first be conquered
We far too often shorten the power of prayer
Dealing with sexuality in a way that leaves people with a sense of hope
18 amazing pieces of advice to help us in our pursuit of victory over porn
Learning To Be An Authentic Christian
Unselfish, authentic, consistent, Christ-Centered LOVE

     //// ENDURANCE 
Keeping spiritual life alive when the feelings of God have faded
How to make a strategic comeback after an epic failure
Observations from crash sites
Encourage students to keep fighting the battles of life
Living victoriously when the "tough times" come into your life
4 helpful escape hatches for making spiritual mileage last
Learning to trust in the character of God more than just what He does for us
How to make a strategic comeback after an epic failure
Finding hope in the moments of weakness

The ABC's of Overcoming Guilt
Recognizing the traps the Enemy delights to lay for us
The power of Scripture when dealing with temptation, guilt, a lack of faith, and tough times
Falling too much in love with this present world
Intercessors who are willing to "Stand In The Gap"
7 common "landmines," the devil uses to dilute and shorten your destiny
A close look at the progression of sin
Keeping spiritual life alive when the "feelings" of God have faded
Pulling back the veil on spiritual warfare by exposing the Enemy and examining our weapons of choice
Learning to take ownership of your faith
Sharpening your spiritual relationship with Christ

Learning To Be An Authentic Christian
Unselfish, authentic, consistent, Christ-Centered LOVE
A close look at the progression of sin
Responding to temptation
Living a whatever it takes life of heroism and selflessness
Perseverance produces character
Some counterfeits aren't easy to see
4 principles from the Book of Acts on becoming the kind of person who turns the world upside down God's way
Learning to be an authentic Christian
Discovering spiritual truth: Am I becoming more and more like Jesus?
Where you struggle making your "spiritual world" match your "everyday world."
Keeping past pain from ruining your present and your future
Calling students to a deeper level of commitment
Walking consistently with the Lord, no matter what you're "feeling"

Observations from crash sites
Fighting for a God-sized dream
A challenge to not just be Dreamers, but to put action behind your aspirations
Making Christ-honoring choices for a lifetime of success and happiness
Finding purpose in life
Be a NONSTOP person with GRIT
What is my purpose in life?
Owning Your Character
What will be the signature of your life?
Living a whatever it takes life of heroism and selflessness
God has a plan and purpose for your life
Fighting for a God-sized dream
By the willful laying down of our rights we come to understand what ultimate power and authority truly looks like
How to chase after the heart of God
Relationships, God's love, & doing something impossible with our lives
3 things to remember if we want to be consumed for Kingdom purposes

To be a conqueror, we must first be conquered
We far too often shorten the power of prayer
Encouragement for the faithful ones celebrating them along the journey
Moving from one season to another while remaining solidly planted in faith
4 areas that for all of us can become spiritual scandals
Grasping for power, control and the "kingship" in different ways in our lives
common landmines, the devil uses to dilute and shorten your destiny
An unexpected answer...
How to handle disapplintment...even disappointment with God
The power of Scripture when dealing with temptation, guilt, a lack of faith, and tough times
Falling too much in love with this present world
Biblically, we handle temptation and evil differently
Things To Know Before You Graduate
The threshold of your destiny could rest on one isolated choice
Guidance keys to help in discovering God's will
A fresh reminder of the Father's pursuing love for us

     //// CONFLICT 
To receive"new wine" you have to become a NEW WINESKIN
5 practical ways to learn to forgive
Dealing With Forgiveness
An unexpected answer...
Trusting Christ EVEN IF I don't understand the circumstances
Learning to gain God's heart and grow to "hate" evil
How to handle disappointment...even disappointment with God
Learning to let go of the junk like unhealthy friendships, attitudes, fears, hurts, insecurities...
An answer to the question, "Where is God?" in the midst of tragedy
4 biblical principles that will help us gain wholeness and victory despite life's hurts
Causes of and help dealing with depression
Dealing with addictions
Biblically, we handle temptation and evil differently
The 2nd most important decision in life is the one you make right after you fail
Dealing with forgiveness

     //// EVANGELISM 
Ministry is who you are, not what you do
Having an adventurous, breath-taking and evangelistic faith
Building relational and evangelism bridges beyond the four walls of your local ministry
Creating a true friendship culture
Addressing some of the mind games your students have about Christianity
A look at doubts people often have about their faith
How to intentionally love family and friends in ways that will enable them to hear and see Jesus
Pragmatic principles to positively affect your families through faith
Making a difference in your world
Creating a true friendship culture
Bring to life the concept of giving your life away for others
How to intentionally love family and friends in ways that will enable them to hear and see Jesus
Vision casting night for what your ministry can look like over the next year
A look at doubts people often have about their faith
A ministry growth initiative program
Honoring the death of a student makes even a tragedy a "pain with purpose" situation

     //// OUTREACH 
Having lasting, eternal impact
Creating Legacy...What you will be remembered by?
A challenge for students to push past insecurities and be bold in their commitment to the Lord
Becoming addicted to creating a Christ-honoring difference
Full-length Drama: While we are building walls to separate us from God, He is building walls to protect us
Full-length Drama: Becoming complacent in your faith
What are you hungry for? Acceptance... Purpose... To Win...
Our daily decisions can derail, detour or drive us toward our destiny
Challenges Christians and non-Chrstians to come face to face with what they truly believe
Ministry is who you are, not what you do
Letting God take control of your circumstances
Answering some of life's most difficult questions

The "Father Wound"
All of us unconsciously attach feelings that we have of our own earthly father to our concept of our Heavenly Father
We have much more in common
Get beyond people's masks through real, authentic community in small groups
All of us unconsciously attach feelings that we have of our own earthly father to our concept of our Heavenly Father
Making the Word of God come alive
4 keys to friendship success
Your past does not define you...sharing the Father-heart of God for all of us
What it looks like to take care of each other well
A fresh reminder of the Father's pursuing love for us
Teaching your students how to sort through their relationship with their parents
Pragmatic principles to positively affect your families through faith

Making encouragement a habit in your life
Developing the habit of having a consistent daily time with Jesus

     //// EMOTIONS 
Hope for people who battle with the crippling disease of depression
Whoever we most fear...we will eventually serve
Misdirected anger can ruin your life
Choosing the direction of your thought life
4 key areas that result in us feeling
Causes of and help dealing with depression
Dealing with Loneliness and rejection
Dealing with rejection
Deal with "IN Security" by flipping the words around and finding "Security IN" Jesus
Choosing the direction of your thought life
4-part drama that helps visualize the fact that misdirected anger can ruin your life
"Whoever we most fear...we will eventually serve."
Dealing with the fears of rejection and insignificance

4 helpful escape hatches for making spiritual mileage last
Having an adventurous, breath-taking and evangelistic faith
Sometimes it's easy to play both sides Spiritually
To be a conqueror, we must first be conquered
18 amazing pieces of advice to help us in our pursuit of victory over porn
Learning To Be An Authentic Christian
Unselfish, authentic, consistent, Christ-Centered LOVE
Building relational and evangelism bridges beyond the four walls of your local ministry
Creating a true friendship culture
Whoever we most fear...we will eventually serve
4 keys to friendship success
The dangers of keeping too close to the wrong friends
6 points to jump-start your relationship with Christ
Sharpening your spiritual relationship with Christ
What it takes to be God's kind of hero
To receive"new wine" you have to become a NEW WINESKIN

4 helpful escape hatches for making spiritual mileage last
Fighting for a God-sized dream
A challenge to not just be Dreamers, but to put action behind your aspirations
Having an adventurous, breath-taking and evangelistic faith
Your past does not define you...sharing the Father-heart of God for all of us
Hope for people who battle with the crippling disease of depression
Sometimes it's easy to play both sides Spiritually
Encouragement to transform prayer lives
We far too often shorten the power of prayer
4 keys to friendship success
A look at doubts people often have about their faith
What it means to have healthy romantic relationships
A close look at the progression of sin
Learning to trust in the character of God more than just what He does for us
Dealing with unchecked patterns of sin
4 areas that for all of us can become spiritual scandals

     //// SKIT/DRAMA 
Sometimes it's easy to play both sides Spiritually
Encouragement to transform prayer lives
Dealing with sexuality in a way that leaves people with a sense of hope
Learning To Be An Authentic Christian
Building relational and evangelism bridges beyond the four walls of your local ministry
Creating a true friendship culture
Whoever we most fear...we will eventually serve
Misdirected anger can ruin your life
The dangers of keeping too close to the wrong friends
Addressing some of the mind games your students have about Christianity
A look at doubts people often have about their faith
6 points to jump-start your relationship with Christ
Sharpening your spiritual relationship with Christ
Encouragement for the faithful ones celebrating them along the journey
Making encouragement a habit in your life
What it takes to be God's kind of hero