Dr. Jeanne Mayo

Founder & President of Youth Leader's Coach & The Cadre
International Speaker & Author
Acclaimed by Ministries Today as "America’s Number One Youth Pastor," Dr. Jeanne Mayo has thrown her heart and passion into youth and young adult ministry for over five decades. Her ministry DNA is reflected in her life mission statement: "The motivation and mentorship of Kamikaze Christianity into practicing and potential Kingdom champions." Through the years Jeanne has been used of the Lord to take challenging youth ministries to exciting spiritual and numerical health. Jeanne’s successful ministry has placed her in high demand as a youth and young adult communicator as well as a leadership coach and public speaker. She has criss-crossed the U.S. and the globe, speaking in countless venues to teenagers, college students, young adults, as well as to their leaders.
In recent years, Jeanne founded Youth Leader’s Coach, a non-profit organization that seeks "to instruct, equip, inspire and encourage the youth pastors and youth leaders of this generation." Through this venue, she has begun a coaching/mentoring avenue called "The Cadre." Over 1,000 of the nation’s premiere youth and young adult leaders and ministries have now experienced this intensive year of personal mentoring from Jeanne.
Among her honors, Jeanne was awarded the Lifetime Influence Award from the National Assemblies of God, the world’s largest denomination with over 66 million members and adherents. She has also been featured twice as the “cover story" of Ministries Today magazine. In their most recent feature article on her, Jeanne was once again heralded as the nation’s premiere voice in the training and raising up of youth leaders across our nation and around the world at large.
Publishing has also continued to be one of Jeanne’s focuses. She is a regular columnist for Group Magazine and Ministries Today. She is the author of the popular leadership book, Thriving Youth Groups, as well as Dating Declassified and Uncensored: Finding God When He Feels Far Away. Her fourth book, JEANNEisms: Short Sentences That Echo Loud Meaning has also met with wide acclaim.
In 2017, Heaven became a little richer with the entrance of Pastor Sam Mayo. Jeanne often smilingly says that she was privileged to experience nearly "48 years of marriage and ministry with the patriarch who yet remains her 'hero and boyfriend.'" Their two adult sons, Josh and Justin, both are thriving in full-time ministry endeavors as well. In short, life pulsates with energy and purpose in the life of Jeanne Mayo. She often smilingly reminds those around her that she remains focused on Missionary Jim Elliott’s words: "He is no fool who gives what he CANNOT KEEP…to gain what he CANNOT LOSE."