iVolunteer - Pack 1


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This Coaching Package contains video resources perfect for your next leadership meeting. It covers topics like creating influence when you aren't the one holding the mic, balancing all the worlds of work, family, ministry..., learning to encourage, and the best qualities of a youth ministry volunteer.

Included in package

This iVolunteer resource is a COACHING RESOURCE for volunteer youth leaders who want to be the BEST they can be!

As I look back on more than four decades of youth ministry, I find that my most influential youth volunteers had one thing in common and that's what this iVolunteer, "The Most Life-Changing Skill Any Volunteer Can Cultivate," is all about. These leaders came from all different ages and backgrounds, but they shared one life-changing skill. They knew how to encourage others. It sounds simple enough, but for those of us who spend many hours with teenagers, it isn't always easy.

Listen...or watch...and I'll share some ideas that you can use to encourage even some of your most challenging students. "Three billion people go to bed hungry every single night; but four billion people go to bed hungry every night for a simple word of authentic encouragement. GO FEED SOME PEOPLE!"

This iVolunteer resource is a COACHING RESOURCE for volunteer youth leaders who want to be the BEST they can be!

Ever feel like there's just not enough time in the day to accomplish what you "have to," let alone anything you "want to" volunteering? You're not alone. So many of our hearts long to say "yes" to ministry, but our calendars scream "no way." The good news is that life doesn't have to boil down to "either/or," it truly can be "both/and."

Allow me in this iVolunteer, "Finding Time To Do Ministry In A Busy World," to share what I've learned balancing the multiple worlds of ministry, work, and family. In addition to discovering ways to become more EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT, you'll learn how to maximize your "red tag" investments!

This iVolunteer resource is a COACHING RESOURCE for volunteer youth leaders who want to be the BEST they can be!

As a volunteer, it's sometimes challenging not being the "top dog." You might easily begin to think that you're not making much of a difference when you're not the one on the platform. You may wonder how setting up chairs every Wednesday night, or smiling at a few students and asking them some questions once a week can really be changing anything.

In this iVolunteer, "Leading Without A Mic," we'll take a look at the biblical example of David, who began his career as a "high school" volunteer in King Saul's army. David could have easily said, "I'm just a volunteer!" But, he knew it wasn't his title or amount of recognition that determined whether his life made a difference. Instead, it was the heart with which he served. So, listen in and be reminded that, "Leadership isn't a title; Leadership is influence."

This iVolunteer resource is a COACHING RESOURCE for volunteer youth leaders who want to be the BEST they can be!

Sometimes, we think that youth leaders need to have years of training, an unlimited supply of wisdom, or a seminary degree to be able to make a difference in a teenager's life. We think experience and education make a good volunteer. You may be surprised, however, to find out that those are not the qualities I most look for in my leaders. Obviously they need to be Christ-followers, but what other qualities make a good youth leader?

In this iVolunteer, "The BIG Five," I give you the top five qualities I'm looking for as I start all over again with a new youth ministry and recruit new leaders. It's not knowledge or the ability to preach; it's simply the things that most connect with a teenager's heart. So, listen in, volunteer, as I share on these "Big Five" and talk about how you can have some of the greatest impact in youth ministry.