Staying A Christian While Doing Youth Ministry

In this Alliance, "Staying A Christian While Doing Youth Ministry," we talk about living with more weight, or concern, above the water line than below it.  The "Grand Champion Image Manager," Saul, is our biblical illustration of the effects of getting more caught up with our image (what's above the waterline) than our relationship with Christ (what's below it).  Bottom line, we can easily shipwreck our lives when we neglect our souls.

Friends, if you take the time to really look, many of the youth ministry leaders around us are looking pretty unsteady right now.  They ran hard the entire school year into the summer.  The neglect of their souls through the whole deal has left them living on fumes.  What's the price tag they are paying for this?  Many are operating on autopilot and have forgotten who they were meant to please.

Can you do me a favor?  Simply STOP.  Stop?  Yes, that's what I said.  Stop.  Call a time out and pull them in close.  Check in, take each other's spiritual pulse, watch a video that will open up an opportunity for an incredible discussion on the topic, and see if you're all ok.  You may be doing great, but I bet there is at least one of you struggling and in need of a brother or sister's hand on their back authentically caring and praying for them.